5 Home Office Red Flags: Is it Time for a Cedar Rapids Office Rental?
There may be many perks to working from home, but it can also seriously limit your business growth potential. How do you know when it is time for an upgrade into your own private office at Office Evolution Cedar Rapids?
Home Offices Limit Productivity & Profitability
When you are just starting out, home offices are great! But to build a thriving business in Cedar Rapids, a home office has drawbacks. Two of the biggest problems with home offices are gaining new business and an inability to scale operations.
Unsure if it’s time to move your business out of your home? Any of the following red flags could mean it’s time to upgrade.
- You’ve Hit a Ceiling on Revenue-Generating Hours: Your business is growing, but with all the distractions and small jobs of a one-person, home-based business, you find it hard to make time for priority items.
- You’re Running Out of Space and Resources: When you first started, your home office was perfect. Now, you no longer have the space, equipment, and/or organizational set-up you need. And no one has the time or money for a full-scale home office renovation!
- You’re Disconnected from Professional Networks: Growing a business means getting out there and meeting new people. That can be hard to do when you spend your workweek in a home office, isolated from other local businesses and professionals. And face it, sometimes it’s hard to get up the motivation to leave the house if you don’t have to.
- You’ve Blurred Your Private and Professional Lives: Have you noticed your work life creeping into your home life, eroding your private and professional boundaries? With a home office, it can be hard to keep the work/life balance. Work issues take over your personal time and personal issues compromise your work performance.
- You Need to Upgrade Your Business Image: Do your clients keep underestimating your business? Gain their confidence with a space that has the image, location, and resources they expect from their providers.
Fully Furnished, Private Offices for Rent at Office Evolution Cedar Rapids
When it’s time for an upgrade, there’s no better space for your business than Office Evolution Cedar Rapids. Our office rentals will help you optimize focus and productivity. We have the space to impress clientele and are fully connected to get you up to speed and working quickly. Our bright, modern workspace is just steps away from many restaurants and amenities in the NewBo District with free on-site parking.
Find the perfect office rental for you today! Call 319-249-2020 for more information.