Free Coworking - International Coworking Day
In honor of INTERNATIONAL COWORKING DAY, we, Office Evolution, will be offering use of our drop-in space and open offices for FREE, ALL THIS WEEK (August 6th – 10th)!
Please tell anyone you know who is interested in using our Shared Space, Conference Rooms, or Offices to stop by! We will be offering 25% off the first Month of Membership to all new Members who sign up this week.
BUT WAIT – Members can receive some referral credit as well! $50 for New Virtual Members, $100 for New Office Agreements of less than a year, and $500 for New Office Agreements of a year or more.
On August 9th – We will be celebrating with food, drinks, and prizes! Be sure to stop by the front desk and put your name in for the Prize Drawing which will be held at 3:00 pm.