Member Spotlight: Recovery 360
An interview with Jonathan De Carlo, Director of Operations at Recovery 360
When it comes to health care, behavioral and mental health are crucially important. Recovery 360 is an innovative health care provider that offers services tailored to their clients. Not only do they have offices with Office Evolution, but they do in-home work to best provide for those they serve.
We sat down with Jonathan De Carlo, Director of Operations at Recovery 360, as well as a member at Office Evolution Cherry Creek. He gave us a glimpse into how they help individuals, as well as some business tips you won’t want to miss.
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About Recovery 360
Hi my name’s Jonathan De Carlo and I’m the Director of Operations with Recovery 360 here in Denver, CO. And we are a service provider in behavioral health, mental health, addiction, eating disorder, recovery support. We’re fairly unique in that we offer psychosocial rehabilitation as one of our services as well as individual, couples, and family therapy.
What differentiates you?
We work with our clients in their homes and in the community; we have offices and do therapy in the traditional setting, come in, sit down, process thoughts and feelings, things like that, but for us, the biggest part of our work is actually being in a client’s life and side by side partnering with a client. It’s a different approach; it’s become much more salient for people, making change. Rather than being separated from a client and advising or being a part of someone’s change process, really partnering with them in their everyday life and what are the barriers they are encountering and how to help them make the changes they want to.
What does success look like?
Anyone who engages any kind of change process, to us, is successful. Even if they struggle along the way, that’s really why we’re there. We’re there to help them in those moments of struggle and success, because success and being able to receive that and accept that can be just as challenging as a crisis situation or stabilization situation that someone might present in a change process in behavioral health.
How is health care changing?
In behavioral health care, and in health care in general, we’re seeing much more attention to lifestyle components of change in health care. Of people not just going to a physician or psychiatrist or therapist and receiving brief services; and brief can be an assessment of their health (mental or physical health) but really making the change. Coaching has become very much a growing part of the industry in health care, and specifically behavioral health care to help people make long lasting change.
How do you think health care will change in the next 5 years?
I think what we’re seeing in terms of evolution of behavioral health care field in general is two things: one, definitely the integration of technology and mobile/digital applications; and a lot more client interaction and having better outcome data, which helps us help people make change more efficiently ultimately. Not necessarily faster, but more long term sustainable change with better information.
Best Business Tips?
Business Tip #1 – Understand the Client’s Needs
Really understand what you’re clients asking for. Not just can you deliver that, but how are you going to deliver that specific service that they need. So really understanding a client’s needs is tip number 1. Taking the time to make sure I’m the right provider and I can deliver it, not just “Oh yeah, I studied that in grad school, I can do that.”
Business Tip #2 – Explain What You Do
Really helping the client understand what we do. We are specialized, so being able to communicate that clearly for the client is tip number two. Know what you do, be able to state that. And be able to understand in the context, what is this person really looking for.
Business Tip #3 – Know Who to Refer
Once you understand that, what do they really need? That’s the job of the provider to understand. Someone may want me to do something that although they may connect with me as a provider and believe I can do it, it may not be my scope. So having the resources and collaborative network to say “I’m not the right fit or we’re not the right fit, and here are 3 or 4 resources for you to pursue that would be really good and here’s why.”
Why Office Evolution?
We really started Office Evolution as a recommendation of a colleague who was working out of the Golden Office Evolution and really liked the concept. We had a suite in an older building and were looking to move. The locations that made sense to serve. So we started in the Tech Center Office Evolution office and expanded to our current office here in Cherry Creek.
For us, the level of professionalism, the amenities, and the services contained in the Office Evolution process were everything we needed to be able to come in, create a safe space for our clients, and an efficient process for us as providers where we didn’t have to worry about if there’s coffee available, where’s the printer, does the internet work. And having people such as in our office, Lisa, who’s really wonderful, to be able to greet clients and help them be comfortable in the in-office process.
But also the support of the local community. Within our offices in both places, we made wonderful relationships with lots of different businesses. We needed some website work done and there happened to be someone who was virtual officing who said “I do website stuff.” “Awesome, can you help us out? We’re in a circumstance of updating something quickly.” We’re health providers, I know how to go to the internet, but those kind of relationships were the big things that have come through the experience.
But it really was someone else’s positive experience that pointed us to Office Evolution, and then the experience that everything’s here that we need to run a business for us, and the quality of the environment and people really add to our integrity.
For more information about Jonathan and Recovery 360, visit their website at:
To rent an office space at Office Evolution or to learn more about how we can help you grow your business, visit our website at or call (303) 376-6225.