NEW Member Spotlight
Welcome Bulls Eye Innovations to office evolution Clark, NJ! We are excited to have Wanda and Maureen as part of our Ohana and wish them much success!
Founded in 2005 by experienced pharmaceutical marketer and sales executive, Wanda Toro, PharmD, BEI was cultivated as an idea incubator driven by Toro’s “vision for innovation”, hence the name Bull’s Eye Innovations. Since its inception, this solutions firm has launched 1st in market ideas such as AskPharma.com™, the immensely successful Aggregate Spend RoadMap™ methodology, and the expected blockbuster, ecoFiles™. Their impressive growth during challenging economic times is a result of a steadfast mission that involves understanding customer and industry challenges and delivering innovative solutions to those market problems. The team’s “lean and mean” mentality provides customers with a perfect blend of best in class “thinkers” and “doers”. BEI’s current product line has been successful and continues to be very promising, but you can bet that their innovations team has quite a few more market shifting solutions up their sleeve!