Three Fishers-based Tech (or Tech-Adjacent) Companies Your Small Business Can Use Today

The Indianapolis market is no stranger to technology. While it may be overlooked by some people on the coasts, the movers and shakers of our nation’s technology investment crowd have taken notice of the city the past fifteen years. Companies like ExactTarget and Angie’s List gave way through acquisition to category behemoths like Salesforce and HomeAdvisor. However, the growth and influence in technology hasn’t been limited exclusively to Marion County. In Fishers, the tech scene and its natural offshoots have been growing, if maybe in an only slightly more quiet way then it’s market-naming neighbor just to the south.

Office Evolution Fishers can be a great fit for nearly any business, but the typical member is a small business entrepreneur. And as that’s likely who will be reading this blog, below are three Fishers-based companies who exist in one form or another on a screen ready to help your business grow.


Do you ever have a need to ask your clients and prospects, well – anything? Formstack allows users to build custom forms on the fly through ridiculously easy to use plug-and-play functionality. And the software integrates with over 40 apps that you and your customers are likely to come across on a regular basis, such as Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. Formstack is located on the same block as another Fishers favorite, Four Day Ray. So have a couple blood orange blondes and start clicking away building the most brilliant and easy to use forms for your operation.

Share Your Genius

Do you know there’s a market to reach out there for your message but you find mass advertising reaches too large of an audience resulting in an inefficient spend? Have you ever wanted to launch a podcast but you’re not sure how? Enter Share Your Genius. Their team helps your organization put together a plan to launch a podcast that is focused around what they call “StorySelling” or brand storytelling. SYG can help you with all the steps no matter where you’re at in the process. If you simply need some consultation on the right mix of equipment to record, they can do that. The majority of their clients, though, are relying on them to do much, much more. SYG can write scripts for your episodes, promote the show and generally direct traffic to your podcast and site. Finally, they also have the goal of creating community for what you find passionate through the medium of podcasting because individuals invested in a community are much more emotionally tied to a brand resulting in residual revenue.  

First Internet Bank of Indiana

Let’s face it: sometimes as a small business owner you just need access to capital, and First Internet Bank of Indiana is here to help. The bank’s name is accurate as they were the first bank in America to be FDIC insured and operate entirely online. And while their banking operations exist in an online fashion, here in Fishers they do have a physical, geographical presence. Today, they are in the process of moving from the east side of I-69 to a new building only a couple blocks from Office Evolution Fishers, here in the Nickel Plate District.