Coworking Options for Attorneys Surge
For years now people have looked at coworking spaces as non-traditional office environments. You’ve probably noticed how the way people work has been changing in recent times, and changing fast. The shared office concept is gaining momentum to the point where it will soon become the new norm. That is, normal for independent workers, startups and solo and small firm professionals like attorneys. If you suggested coworking for attorneys, and other professionals, just a few years back, they would have thought the idea ridiculous. This is no longer the case.
The Changing Face of Coworking
Shared working environments come in many guises today depending on the clientele they target. Some coworking centers and virtual office providers are more suitable for independent and small firm attorneys. Our coworking, shared office business center at Office Evolution Hackensackappeals to solo lawyers and members of small firms. Our ecosystem is professional and supportive—you won’t find a ping-pong table there. The main attractions include:
- Economical (affordable) and flexible
- Collaborative opportunities within in the shared environment and win-win community culture
- Potential to increase income by way of referral sharing
Smart People Create Great Communities
Working from home or from a local coffee shop may be okay in the short term, but it’s no long term solution for any serious professional. People who surround themselves with likeminded others become more inspired and eager to collaborate. This goes for all types of independent workers, not only attorneys and other solo professionals. Good, functional communities comprise of smart people. They include those who share same or similar interests. These are people who get to leverage off one another effectively, to the benefit of all concerned.
Your working environment plays a huge role in how you feel and function as an individual. Where you sit, who you sit near, and who you socialize with can all influence how you perform. At Office Evolution Hackensack you get to utilize the three crucial factors that affect performance:
- Ability
- Motivation
- Opportunity
Removing one or more of these three factors can have a negative impact on the way you perform. For example, ability is futile if you’re not motivated. Likewise, if you have the ability and the motivation but lack the opportunity, you also fall short. Having the capacity to perform at one’s best is the star attraction of any well-run coworking space. These shared environments have everything business professionals need to operate successfully.
Here’s a taster of what you can expect from Office Evolution Hackensack in New Jersey:
- Front desk presence to meet and greet your clients on arrival
- Fully-functional and well-equipped private meeting rooms
- Plug-n-play ready, fully-furnished offices available for as short as 15 minutes
- A professional business address ready to use (shows up in Google Maps)
- Communal beverage bar and kitchen
- Coworking business lounge
- Live, virtual receptionist on request to answer calls and manage appointments, etc.
- Many restaurant options
- Great community of professionals providing social energy and business referrals, etc.
These things are why the modern co-working spaces are becoming so popular. It’s not only freelancers and small startups that love this concept either. The shared office is really starting to attract solo professionals and small partnerships. Professional clients at Office Evolution include attorneys, accountants, financial planners, brokers, coaches, consultants, and so on.
Coworking Options for Attorneys
We’ve looked at what the shared office can offer more broadly. Now let us now look at the coworking options for professionals more specifically. In this example we’ll use the attorney to illustrate, though the same things apply to most professions. Let’s assume the ambitious lawyer is just starting out on his or her own. Just because you’re on your own, that doesn’t mean you have to be alone. In fact, no one can practice law alone. To become successful one needs a positive mindset. Having the right attitude and outlook to move you and your business forward is fundamental. The more successful your mindset and approach is, the more success you will attract.
Here’s the kind of support professionals can expect at our Office Evolution center in New Jersey:
- Fully-equipped, fully-functional office
- Virtual receptionist services from US-based professionals who behave as if they are truly part of your firm and only answer your phone, but also do things like answer FAQs and manage appointments
- Meeting rooms ready for action
- Reception presence to welcome guests
- Impressive business address, locked mailbox and mail forwarding
On top of all this you get to work in a modern, vibrant office situated in a prime location with ample parking for both you and your visitors. Another appeal is the option to take out month-to-month membership plans. At Office Evolution, every membership including private offices, is available on month-to-month terms. This flexibility in membership means no one has to sign up to long term commitments. It’s just one more reason why professional coworking spaces are becoming a big hit with solo professionals and small partnerships.
When the Time Is Right
Only you will know when the time is right to move away from the home office or the coffee shops. There are certainly more pros than cons when working in a more professional environment. There’s always the risk of a sense of isolation that comes from operating in a non-professional space too. Isolation aside, the home office or a busy coffee shop can also generate other problems. Some of these may include things like a lack of space to work from, distractions and too much clutter. You may think that last point is trivial, but it’s not. Research has shown how clutter negatively impacts the brain. What happens is that you lose your ability to focus properly or process information. The home office and coffee shops are notorious for clutter because of minimal or inadequate working space.
In the case of the attorney, a more professional approach allows them to focus on what’s most important. They can then channel all their attention on winning more cases and closing deals.
Summing Up
Coworking spaces are for anyone and everyone who needs them. Not all shared office type environments are the same though. Some are general spaces whereas others target a more specific demographic. If you’re a solo professional or a small partnership, image is all important. You want your clients to have a good first impression with your office. It’s also crucial that the staff at the coworking location is professional and responsive to you and any clients that you represent.
If you’re a professional running a solo practice out of your home or local coffee shops, perhaps it’s time to take your business up to the next level? Schedule a tour at Office Evolution Hackensack today and explore how our fully-furnished office spaces, meeting rooms, and host of servicesand workspaces can help to grow your practice.
At Office Evolution Hackensack, we provide virtual office and private office solutions. We offer meeting rooms, offices, a coworking lounge, a shared reception, a business address, and virtual receptionist services. We have many options and price points, and all terms are flexible. Plus, you become part of a community of like-minded professionals.
Whether you live in Teaneck, Bergenfield, Maywood, Teterboro, Hasbrouck Heights, Moonachie, Little Ferry, Rochelle Park, Dumont, Bogota, River Edge, New Milford, Hackensack, Englewood, Paramus, Tenafly and other communities nearby, choosing Office Evolution Hackensack in New Jersey will help you be more professional, productive, and profitable.