Workplace Productivity Tips | How to Increase Productivity

Workplace Productivity Tips

Making the most of your time during a long workday isn’t always an easy feat. When surrounded by distractions and a wandering mind, you may find yourself having trouble focusing at work and losing valuable time. That’s why Office Evolution has created a list of productivity tips to help you maximize your time and stay on task.

How to Increase Productivity

When looking for ways to boost your productivity, it’s important to recognize what kind of worker you are. While some people thrive in a busy environment, others require solitude and quiet. Likewise, some workers find themselves motivated by the promise of a short break after finishing a task whereas others may prefer to stay busy with their daily work before any rest. Because our needs as workers can vary so drastically it’s important to try a variety of productivity hacks and see what works best for you. If one tip doesn’t work, don’t sweat it! Give yourself a pat on the back for efforts towards your productivity, then move on to our next tip.

6 Tips for When You Have Trouble Focusing at Work

  1. Prioritize Tasks

    One of the best ways to ensure you accomplish your most important tasks is to prioritize. Try writing down your top three goals at the start of each workday and finish those before tackling projects that may have a later due date or are lower priority. If you don’t get something done, move it to the top of your priorities the next day. This is a fantastic way to see what you’ve accomplished and what you still have to do. If you like to visually see tasks and cross off what you’ve accomplished, this is the tip for you!

  2. Take Breaks

    You heard us right, taking breaks helps you recharge, refocus, and accomplish more. For many people, focusing for short amounts of time with the promise of a quick break is much more manageable than looking at the workday as hours of required focus and productivity. Taking care of your mental health with a few minutes to reset and spend time for yourself may even help you create better work as you remain in a positive headspace. Try these work break techniques:

  • Take breaks between tasks. If you prefer to complete a task uninterrupted before breaking, take your breaks after accomplishing each task. For shorter tasks you could take a 3-5 minute break, and for tasks that take an hour or more, give yourself around 7-10 minutes to recharge.
  • Try the Pomodoro Method. This technique recommends you work for 25 minutes, and then take a five-minute break. Repeat this cycle four times before you take a longer break, then repeat.

  1. Know When You Work Best

    Just as it’s important to understand where you work well, it’s helpful to know when you are most productive. Think back on your past workdays and think about when you are most awake and ready for action. Try giving yourself bigger tasks to do during this time. Tackling larger tasks when you are more productive will keep you focused and less likely to find ways to distract yourself.

  2. Understand Your Distractions

    One of the biggest ways to stay focused and productive is to know what distracts you. If you work from home, try creating your workspace away from your kitchen or other areas where you find yourself looking for other things to do. Try setting your phone on “Do Not Disturb,” and save household chores for your breaks or after work.

  3. Don’t Be Afraid to Say No

    The more work that is on your plate, the harder it can be to prioritize and recognize the work that matters most. Be transparent about the work you can manage and remember that quality work is always valued.

  4. Find a Positive Workspace

    Find or create a space where you feel comfortable and ready to work. This will vary for everyone. Whether you are working from home, going to the office, or have a hybrid work situation, control what you can about your workspace. Choose a comfortable chair, make a playlist of focus music for work, and surround yourself with photos and objects that make you smile.


Improve Your Productivity Today

Give these tips a go and see what works best for you! Still looking for the right workspace? Office Evolution offers a variety of workspaces, from shared to private, full of comfortable amenities to help you work productively. See if there’s an Office Evolution near you and schedule a tour.