How to Feng Shui an Office
How to Feng Shui Your Office
When it comes to creating an office space that brings you joy and motivation, one of the best ways to combine positive energies is with the art of feng shui. Try these tips to quickly and easily incorporate feng shui into your workspace.
What is Feng Shui
Feng shui is the Chinese art of creating a harmonious space that blends with its environment. With the use of colors, materials, and objects, the goal is to create an inviting ambiance that energy can easily flow through. Feng shui design also incorporates elements from nature and wants to find harmony between opposing elements. By using opposing elements in the same space, the flow of life is said to be enhanced as more energies are stimulated. The design method is rooted in creating harmony and balance by using shapes, elements, and colors that complement one another.
What Are the Benefits of Feng Shui?
A feng shui design can create a balanced and productive workspace free of distraction. Because all elements in a feng shui space should fit into the current flow of a room, all aspects of the area should only increase the harmony and comfort of your office.
5 Tips to Feng Shui Your Office
Creating a feng shui office will help you find balance and harmony throughout your workday. These feelings can help your work more productively and make the most of your time.
Look at these tips to learn how feng shui can be incorporated into your office:
- Add Indoor Plants—Introducing plant elements to your space will bring positive and lively energy while supporting your office air quality. If you have wood elements in the room, such as a wooden desk or shelves, place your plants on these surfaces to balance the density and hardness of the wood.
- Some of the best feng shui plants for an office:
- Lucky Bamboo—A perfect plant to bring good luck and fortune to any office space.
- Chinese Money Plant—The Chinese Money Plant promotes wealth and prosperity.
- Orchid—As a symbol of creativity, the orchid can be an excellent choice to inspire new ideas.
- Snake Plant—This tall and sleek plant has purifying properties to keep your headspace clear and free from distraction. These purifying properties may even help prevent allergies.
- Aloe—Place an aloe plant in your office to add protective energy and fend off any bad luck.
- Some of the best feng shui plants for an office:
- Use Soft Colors—Stay away from overly bright and vivid colors that may be overwhelming. Instead, opt for pale and muted tones that will support the balance and peacefulness of your space.
- What is the best color for a feng shui office?
- White—White is connected to the metal element, an element associated with productivity. If you struggle with procrastination and finishing projects, try painting your office white or adding white furniture and objects to the space.
- Yellow—This is one of the most popular colors in feng shui because it channels the sun’s energy and is associated with earth elements. This allows it to be a grounding and calming color while also evoking feelings of joy and life.
- Green—Connected to the wood element, green evokes feelings of growth and action. This is a helpful color to add if you notice a loss of energy.
- What is the best color for a feng shui office?
- How to Feng Shui Your Office Desk—A feng shui office desk direction faces the entrance of your office. This is often referred to as the “power position.” Place your desk in a position that is far from your door. By facing the door and having a view of your entire space, it is believed you will be able to see opportunities as they come your way. You will also have an awareness of everything happening in your space. Facing a wall and not being able to see your whole space easily can cause anxiety.
- How to arrange office furniture feng shui style:
- A feng shui office layout is one where you feel both in harmony with and in control of your surroundings. Keep objects and furniture in your line of vision in front of your desk. If you have shelves and space behind you that you want to fill in, this is a good spot for smaller objects and furniture with faded tones and a rounded shape. Due to their relaxed energy, these objects will be less likely to cause anxiety and are okay to be behind you.
- Avoid furniture and objects with sharp angles that cut through the harmony and ease of your space.
- With more significant pieces of furniture in your office, such as a couch or extra chairs, try placing them in layouts that resemble a triangle to create balance.
- How to arrange office furniture feng shui style:
- Find a Comfortable Chair—When it comes to comfort in your office, one of the top priorities should be finding a good office chair. A feng shui office chair is one with a high back and arms. This will bring you feelings of support and protection throughout your workday.
5. Decorate with Inspiring Artwork—Photos with inspiring messaging or people you love and look up to can help you find motivation throughout your day. They can also remind you of your goals and what you hope to accomplish. This promotes a positive and productive mindset.
Work in a Productive and Comfortable Environment
Whether you can incorporate one or all of these tips into your space, including feng shui ideals in your work area can help you feel productive and inspired throughout your day. If your office still doesn’t help you feel as motivated as you’d like, don’t worry; there are other options!
Working in a shared workspace designed specifically to promote productivity is a wonderful option. Office Evolution offers a variety of workspaces and amenities to help you feel comfortable and motivated throughout your workday. Schedule a tour at an Office Evolution near you to learn more about the benefits of a designated workspace.